Free Registration
TriathlonOz site registration is free - simply click the "Register" button underneath our logo at the top of the page, enter your email address and you'll receive an email with a validation code/link to setup your free account.
As a registered site user you'll not only receive our monthly newsletter, your account will enable you to post contributions to a wide variety of sections of the site. Some of these sections will be where you can offer advice to others, share your experiences or perhaps ask questions & seek input from other triathlon/multisport enthusiasts. Your free registration will also allow you to use our
Pace Calculator or
BMI Calculator; add new
Events; create a
Classifieds ad; comment on another person's
Blogs; comment/review any products in our
Shop or any Articles we've written.
Pay to Subscribe for Annual Membership
Whilst that's a lot you can do for free, there's a lot more that you can do on TriathlonOz if you pay the annual Membership fee. Creating your own
Blogs on the site, uploading your Garmin files for training routes and races, and posting photos directly into the
Forum are just 3 worthwhile features reserved for Members-only. But probably the most enticing feature is the Members-Only discount price in our
Shop (always at least 5% off) - plus free overnight courier delivery* anywhere in Australia. On top of this, should you wish to create Classified ads to sell your pre-loved gear, we also offer Members unlimited free Display Ads (worth @$19.95). These features alone easily make Membership worthwhile but there are also many other small subtle features that become apparent when using the site regularly that make Membership practical, enjoyable, and rewarding.
To join as a Member you simply select the Membership item best suited to you, add it to the
Shopping Cart and pay online.
Shop is a fully automated service so your Membership access is granted immediately following successful payment authorisation via the online system. We follow this up by posting your Membership Card & extras in the mail.