Do I need to be a Member to use Tracker?
Yes, tracking is a Member's-Only service. If you have already purchased the ExplorOz Traveller app and are not already a member, a special concession is made so that you can purchase Membership from our
Shop for the discounted rate of only $29.95 (this discount will automatically apply if you log into the site before purchase with the account that is linked to your app account). If you have purchased Membership first, and then purchase the app, this discount is not retrospective - ie. refunds are not provided. Pricing is calculated at the time of order and is displayed based on your account profile status so remember to always log in to enjoy your benefits.
Can I have more than 1 device being tracked at the same time?
Yes. Each device that is registered to your account will appear under the map in the My Tracking section of your Member Profile. If you are an app user, then the My Tracking will appear in the My App Control Panel also located on the ExplorOz website
Home Page, and on the ExplorOz Traveller webpage. Go to the Devices list in the My Tracking section to access the user settings for tracking this device. Note that you "name" each device individually to help you identify them. You can also independently setup Security locks on each device. All devices in your account will use the same GeoFences (use these to block tracking in defined zones, eg. to obscure the exact location of sensitive locations such as your
home, or places you go to frequently). Movements inside these Geofences is never published.
I want my Friends and Family to be able to view my tracking, how do I do this?
Login into the website, click your Account, then click View Member Profile. Other people can view this page, however only you can control what is shown on this page. If you have already setup/registered your device to the tracking service you will see a tab on your page with the heading "My Tracking". If you use the ExplorOz Traveller app for tracking, then just use the My App Control panel (located on the
home page of the website) to access My Tracking.
When you view My Tracking you will also see a section labelled Devices. If you have multiple devices they will all be here. You can click on each device to manage the settings for tracking independently. You will see options to control device security (this means you can make a device publicly visible or password protected). You will also see a Direct Link. You will need to provide this Direct Link for your tracking device to anyone who you chose to view your tracking. Remember to also provide the Security Key if you don't wish to have your device tracking automatically visible.
By default, each device will have security activated and by default the security key (password) will be the same as the one used in your ExplorOz account
login. NOTE: to change your security key, go into your Account, click EDIT ACCOUNT and you'll see you have 2 fields, one for password, one for security key. You can change these are desired.
I have installed EOTrackMe Android but cant get to the Settings Page to enter my User ID, how do I do this?
The Settings menu you are looking for is your device settings, not app settings.
I have a new Android phone (had the EOTrackMe for Android app (not ExplorOz Traveller) on a previous Android Device), how do I install EOTrackMe and do I need to pay again?
Your Trackerregistration is linked to your Member account, so all you need to do is download the EOTrackMe for Android app from the Play Store again (free) and enter your User ID as per the "Instructions for setting up Android Devices", this will complete the registration of the device, you do not need to pay for a new registration.
I am running a tracking device, and it says it was last seen recently, but there is no tracking map why?
We create an automatic Geo-fence at a 2km radius around the
home address supplied in your profile. If you have not travelled outside of this area yet, your tracking will not display.
Can I embed my tracking map onto a website/Wordpress/social media?
We have a specific embed page for EOTrackMe maps, however this will only work on websites that support iFrames. For Wordpress or Social Media sites such as Facebook, you can only post the link to your tracking map. You can obtain the direct link using the process described above (but instead of copying and pasting this link into an email you just paste the link into a post).
My tracking map is looking very messy - how do I tidy it up?
Below your tracking map you'll see 3 options - Save/Archive, Download, Clear/Delete. Use any of these options (self explanatory). Note than when you use the Save/Archive you will not lose anything - your route will simply be reformatted into a Track Log and will then appear in the My Track Logs section further down your Member Profile page. Ideally, you should use this function to save logical track segments of trips, and not let your tracking run for the whole trip. But it's up to you.
My tracking shows recording errors such as long straight lines instead of following the path of the road - why is this and I can I fix it?
All tracking is a series of straight lines from point to point. The most accurate tracking occurs when the points are closer together, and this is usually achieved by using the ExplorOz Traveller app. If the app is not receiving a GPS position update and you have moved then
the gap between points will create a straight line section from the last received point to the next. Be aware that from time to time, your GPS sensor might pick up erroneous position data - this is possible with mobile devices that switch between using both A-GPS and GPS systems. It is also possible that the GPS sensor in your device might stop - a device reboot will generally restart it. If your tracking has a few glitches, it is possible to edit out GPS errors from your tracking after you have saved/archived (ie use the Edit option in your Track Log file). If you are very particularly you could even download your tracking file in GPX format and use a more robost editting
tools such as what you'd find in a mapping software program like OziExplorer to do this. You can then upload the fixed file back to Track Logs and it will reappear on your account.
In general, the best practise for achieving tracking accuracy is to keep your device Location Settings set to Always. Keep your device powered and on when moving, AND keep the app running when moving.