Questions for 70.3 Port Mac 2011

Submitted: Friday, Apr 29, 2011 at 08:41
ThreadID: 85944 Views:2936 Replies:1 FollowUps:2
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Hi everyone,

I plan to sign up for the Port Mac 70.3 in 2011 to raise money for a workmate that's now paraplegic after a work accident. I need some tips and suggestions for the best hydration strategy for the bike and run. Longest events I've done to date are Olympic distance events (Noosa and Mooloolaba) and I'm the sort of person that sweats a lot. I am wondering if I can use a hydration pack (camel pak) to ensure that I have plenty of water and then use the aid stations for the electrolyte/carbo drinks and extra water.

My other question is how hilly is the bike course for both the run and ride. If anyone is able to compare them to running over the hill at Mooloolaba or is it pretty much a flat run like Noosa. Any other tips would be greatly appreciated.

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Reply By: TriathlonOz - David - Friday, Apr 29, 2011 at 13:58

Friday, Apr 29, 2011 at 13:58
Hi Lone Wolf, (love the signature drawing)
I have not done a race at Port Mac, I was going to last year however I had enough 70.3 races on the schedule, so I cannot help with the course info but I can offer my own advice for hydration.

I was even asked about this this morning when I was doing an ocean swim. I would not bother with a hydration pack or bottle belts in these events at all. Why? Simply because the organisers provide enough for almost every type of athlete. I myself am also a sweater and have lost upto 2kg in a single 90km ride but provided you have two or three bottle holders on your bike you will be fine. I carry three holders (Tri bar bottle and rear carrier) when I leave transition I have the Tri bottle and one biddon filled with my preferred electrolyte (shotz as sold in the online shop). I generally oy take on one more water during the race but if needed can take two and throw the biddon. So this will give you upto 4 or 5 biddons worth for the ride. You could not need more than this else you will spend half the run in the toilet. I also have a biddon in transition with electrolyte and take some of this (if needed during each transition). On the run in 70.3 they usually have water stations every 2km sometimes in hot locations it I have raced have them every 1.5pm so you can get plenty of water.

I take a shotz flask with 4 gels on the run and another flask with 4 gels on the ride plus a bar or to for the ride. I find this is plenty in fact mostly too much.

I did my first race with a race belt and 4 bottles but will never do it again and will not recommend it for triathlon racing (adventure racing maybe when wate stations do not exist).

I hope this heaps you a little and would recommend you invest in carriers on your bike rather than a pack on your back. Most of all enjoy it.
If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin

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AnswerID: 452729

Follow Up By: Lone Wolf - Friday, Apr 29, 2011 at 14:23

Friday, Apr 29, 2011 at 14:23

Thanks for your great reply! I'm hoping to do an event (Gold Coast??) before Port Mac so I'll get chance to try out your suggestions. I have three bidon cages on my bike (Felt B2), one on the seat tube and the double behind the seat so from what you have said should be set for fluids on the ride.

I had planned to use my run belt in the run but will take your advice and leave it behind, if nothing else it'll make be a kilo or so lighter for the run and that's always a good thing. :)

Question about the Shotz. Do you add water to them or just empty the gel straight into the bottle? I often use GU gels but I haven't emptied them into a flask before. I could put them into one of the bottles from my run belt but they look a fair bit larger (6oz) than the Shotz bottles I found on the internet.

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FollowupID: 725423

Follow Up By: TriathlonOz - David - Saturday, Apr 30, 2011 at 10:02

Saturday, Apr 30, 2011 at 10:02
Lone Wolf,
Firstly please forgive my iPhone spelling reply yesterday I was sitting in Perth airport using my iPhone typing the response and the iPhone auto correct is a real pain. Anyway back to the conversation at hand.

With the Shotz Gels I use them direct (no water) I figure it is a waste of space/weight to add water to the gels before they are used, so I take them with/around water. I mean that on the bike I take them and then have water/electrolyte after, on the run I consume them as I approach an aid station. I use the Shotz Gel Flask and GU bottles.

I purchased one of the GU bike mounting bottles so that I could mount the 4 gels on the frame. This works most of he time however during the Asia Pacific 70.3 Championships race in Thailand the gel bottle fell off in the first 10kms and I had no backup (this was not great). A few weeks ago during the UCI World Cycling Tour 2011 - Perth Road Race I also found the gel flask was loose and about to fall from the bike. I managed to grab hold of this (mind you doing around 65km/hr going to one hand on the bars was a little scary). So I am not sure how I feel about this solution now but I will give it another go for Busselton next weekend and see if it stays on the bike.

I leave the second Shotz Gel Flask in transition and loaded with 4 gels and then put it in the pocket at the back of my tri suit for the run.

Just one more thing for you bike. I would recommend the aero bottle as it saves you a fair amount of time and effort in taking fluids on the bike as can take them on at any time without having to move much. It is amazing how much time is used in reaching down/behind to collect and return a bottle. I used to find I did not take enough fluid as I did not want to come off the bars to get the bottles. The only time you have to concentrate is when you need to refill the aero bottle which is once or twice for the whole race.

Good luck with your planning and keep asking the questions right here at TriathlonOz.
If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin

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FollowupID: 725526