Legal Threats Policy

This policy clearly covers our stance in the instance of receiving a vexatious threat against TriathlonOz, I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd, its staff or its moderators.

Legal Threats Policy

We have a zero tolerance policy for vexatious threats against our business, its reputation, its brand, and its staff.

If you have a problem with any content matter published in the Forum, please contact us directly. You are asked to refrain from making public comments directed at us. TriathlonOz is more than willing to consider and respond to reasoned, polite requests regarding the removal of posts and threads that break the Forum Rules, or that are obviously and verifiably inappropriate or defamatory. However, where TriathlonOz is of the reasonable view that a request/demand is vexatious, it reserves the right to any or all of the following actions:

  • banning of any and all future discussion about the business or individual on TriathlonOz via the bleepmeter filter

  • banning of all accounts associated with the company/individual indulging in such threats

  • publication of a blog, or prominently placed announcement summarising the legal threats, who has made them, and why

  • in the case of a threat being made by a Business Member, placement within their Profile of a pointer to the legal threat blog/announcment

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Created: July 2012
Latest Feedback: July 2024