We are now
well and truly back from our holidays over the Xmas period and it seems like ages since I competed in an event.
Well today I got back into it in no small way, I was completing in the City Of Pert OD triathlon. A 1.5km swim, 40km bike and 10km run was to be my first event of the 2010 year.
I had been trying to get back to full training since the break away as my fitness did slide a little during our holiday, I did do some work but nowhere near as much as usual. So in the last week or so I had try to jamb in a higher work rate training program, coupled with a new diet. I was happy enough with my preparation however would have like some longer swims and rides before the race.
Chardae holds dads bike during registration
Passing the bike check heading to transition
Anyway at 5:20am the alarms started ringing to tell us it was time to go. The family all came out to support me (it is great to have a cheer squad and photographer). Arriving at the registration at 6am I started the usual procedure, register (get chip and number - 332 today), get marked up (number written on arm and leg), prepare transition area (get bike & helmet
check and then prepare your transition spot).
I spent a fair amount of time getting the transition ready and talking with my fellow competitors and a number of members of the North Coast Tri Club (my club). I just kept staring at my gear and double, triple checking I had everything. I had plentyl of time before the start at 8:23 so headed out and slowly made our way down to the start area.
Listening to the race briefing
Ready to go
Today they made us swim from the jetty to the start line. Swimming this far up the Swan River around the city is usually a fairly horrible experience as the water tastes bad, is almost black and is generally not that pleasant. Today was to be no exception and in fact was the worst water I have ever swam in.
Getting into the water at the jetty
The start of the 1.5km swim leg
Being in the 40-44 category we usually find that we are the last to start - I have no idea why this (we certainly are not the slowest in the field - today we had the fastest bike rider of the event in our category). Anyway out into the murk for a gentle swim to the start line just to get the black oily bad tasting water on ourselves. So at the allotted time we started the 1.5km swim. After about 1.2kms I started to feel very ill and uncomfortable in the water. This is not usual for me as I am usually strong and happy in the swim. I was feeling decidedly ill and had to put my head up and breath, I swam on hoping I would be out of the water soon. Within 100m I was up again and this time had a vomit attack - nice I also cut my foot on something in the water. The swim was not going
well now I had lost a bit of time. I had thought of bailing out right then and there however I was only a couple of hundred metres from the end of the swim. Head down and back into it wishing and hoping it would be over soon.
Out of the swim and into transition
Now I was happy on the bike
Finally I made it to the ramp and was able to leave that horrible tasting, smelly oil, vomit filled water behind and concentrate on the race again. I headed into transition and heard the cheers of my support crew telling to to get going as it was obvious I was not in my usual position after the swim. I had a descent transition and grabbed to bike and headed out.
Moving along Riverside Drive
Last lap on the 40km bike leg
Ah I love the bike legs. It did however take a fair amount of fluid and time to get the river out of my mouth and mind. After about the first 5km I was into it and travelling at around 44km/hr with the wind and around 37km/hr into the stiff easterly.
The 40km bike leg seemed to be over quickly in around 1 hour however as I have not done much high speed mid distance race level riding I was pleased to be making it to the end of the bike and I might even go as far to say I was looking forward to the run. No that cannot be right, how could I look forward to the run? I think it may be just that it is closer to the end.
Quick splash down before the run
On the run
So I jumped off the bike and made my way to transition. Off with the bike shoes and helmet and on with the running shoes and hat. I had threw some water over myself and down the throat and headed out for the 10km run to the end.
I felt good on the run today, not fast just good and the distance seemed to just fall away. Before I knew it I was on the last lap and started to lift towards the end.
Crossing the line
After 2 hours 27 minutes and 29 seconds I crossed the line to the cheers of my support crew (family) and a few members of the tri club.
The Results
Swim 00:30:56 (Cat Pos: 20)
T1 00:01:40 (Cat Pos: 13)
Cycle 01:03:09 (Cat Pos: 4)
T2 00:01:14 (Cat Pos: 14)
Run 00:50:228 (Cat Pos: 23)
Total: 2:27:29 (Cat Pos: 11/36)