Elephants at resort, Phi Phi Islands

Wednesday, Dec 01, 2010 at 15:37

TriathlonOz - David

Yesterday started with a 6.5km sweat fest run, followed by breakfast. At 8am we were picked up by taxi (Mazda 2 sedan) and taken to Phuket harbor for our day trip out to Phi Phi islands. We jumped into our boat and were blasted out of the harbor at great speed (seems the guys have a bit of boat envy with some of the boats sporting up to 3 x 350Hp engines) we headed over to Mosquito Is for some snorkeling and swimming which was great and then onto Bamboo Is for a visit and walk around. At 12 we headed to Phi Phi Is for lunch at the Phi Phi Is Resort which was ok but no decent Thai food available all fried chicken and western rubbish. Anyway it was ok and then we did some touring around the Islands. Stopping at Monkey Beach (feed and photographed the monkeys) off then to the inlet where James Bond's Man With A Golden Gun was filmed, then the beach from the movie The Beach with the thousands of other tourists. A bit more snorkeling, swimming and looking around ending what was a very enjoyable day out on the water. Photos later when I can download the camera.

Dinner last night at the resort was another expensive let down. We went to what seemed like the best Thai place in the resort area to be served almost neuvo cuisine sized servings at top dollar, coupled with average service. It seems we will have to travel to eat!

Today started with a run 6.5km again this time I picked up a whopper blister on my heal which is a bit of a problem. So the training shoes and socks will be retired now. Then another good breakfast at the resort. After breakfast heading back to the room we were confronted with a few elephants heading to the bar (yes they eat at the pool side bar)! The guys had the elephants wrap their trunks around our necks and we were able to pat and have them speak to us.

We thought about a ride but it is raining at the moment so maybe after lunch. Hum lunch I wonder where we will go today???????????????

More as it happens.


If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin
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