Race Day Tomorrow

Saturday, Dec 04, 2010 at 14:18

TriathlonOz - David

The day is upon us and today we get registered, setup the bike in transition and get the mind ready for the race. It has been a good few days getting around and checking out the island. We spent most of yesterday in Petong shopping and moving around this bustling tourist hub. On Wednesday we hut the bike course for the trial run and bugger me they meant it when they said bring a 28 speed cassette there are two sections of most notable hills at 43km and 75km. Bernard and I walked up them during the test ride and reckon it may be just as quick on race day, we will see. Of course up means there is a down however it is so step down with sharp corners that fl brakes does not even slow you down. My biggest fear is actually the down hill as I nearly lost it on the test day. An the joys of the unknown.

I have been reporting back to Michelle about the bluster I picked up on my heal during a run the other day. It is going to play a part in my day as it is really sore and there is no skin covering a 10c size hole at the back of my heal. We actually spent most of our shopping hours looking for tape and we were not very successful in find a great solution. But as Bernard says nothing a bag of concrete and a bit of toughen up princess will not fix - I hope. I am sure adrenaline will help and we have some tape and bandages to use so hopefully the impact will be minimal but best to get the excuses started early.

Shortly we will be heading over to registration with the bikes and race gear. The attached photos show one of the many signs around the island about the event and the other shows that man-o-warning with the swim course in the background - nice.

Better finish up now and get sorted to go to registration.


If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin
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