Busselton 70.3 Program Week 3

Monday, Feb 20, 2012 at 08:00

TriathlonOz - David

Well I know it took me an extra week to get this blog published but I have just been super busy latley. This morning however I decided to get upto date and let you all know I am still out there pounding the pavement, pushing the cranks and drowning!

I had a learning experience this week and I found that going to Intervals and removing the shoes and powering around the track for 7 kms hurts my calves. I happened this week, I had not done intervals for the last week and I had realised I was running my long run well and also being able to do my brick sessions without any dramas. This week I had a major drama trying to brick the Saturday session. I was in so much pain in my calves when I started the run that I ran a whole 750 odd metres from home and turned around and came back. I was in a fair amount of pain on Friday so I think from now I will back off on the Interval sessions and maybe take my trial running shoes. Will see what happens next week.

I am also loading up a number of my training logs to the system and these will auto share to facebook and twitter so if you are a freind or follower you will be able to see the logs.

Enjoy yourself out there.
If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin
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