My Kids are Awesome (Kids TryStars Event - Cragie)

Sunday, Feb 12, 2012 at 11:00

TriathlonOz - David

What a couple of little legends. My girls taking after mum and dad and continuing to give the triathlon's a go. Today was a North Coast Tri Club Trystars Have-A-Go event. This type of event of open to anyone to come along and give it a whirl.

Our girls are members of the club and complete in most of these events but they get special mention today just for being great girls. The youngest Chardae today was doing a 50M swim and she finished this and decided to do another 50M for good measure. Both girls swam, rode and ran well and I am a very proud Dad. Good on you girls.

Love the trisuit Leah.

If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin
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