UCI World Cycling Tour 2011 - Perth Time Trial

Thursday, Apr 14, 2011 at 16:00

TriathlonOz - David

Today I competed in my first real Time Trial cycling event, which was held at Rottnest Island, just 40 min by ferry from Fremantle. The course length was 18.8 kms starting in the main Settlement and covering the Island in one clockwise loop. We rode past Kingstown Barracks, Parker Point, Salmon Bay and Geordie Bay then finished at the Rottnest Lodge.

For those that have ridden around the island you will understand the fantastic views and scenery however today was not about seeing any of this. When you ride at over 40km/hr the ride takes on new meaning and is demanding and requires focus throughout the lap. There are a number of technical bends and short rises that need to be handled the right way.

Being on an island, there isn't much opportunity to practise the course, but I did squeeze in time to take myself off on one pre-race lap about 50 mins before my start time (warm up). When I got back to the start area with about 15 mins to spare I was pleased and this gave me a bit of time to get my head together, have a wee break, consume a gel and get sorted.

It was then off and riding for the Time Trial lap. I thought I was travelling well and was catching a few riders that left before me (competitor starts were every 30 secs) then at the 10km mark someone passed me. I am not used to this (!) however he was much stronger than me and in fact was the category winner! I am more used to riding for 90kms as this is the level of my training for Ironman 70.3. Being overtaken, just strengthened my resolve to ride harder. I passed a few other riders as we headed back to the finish line too. As the wind was blowing from the NNE the second half of the ride back was harder and thus slower but the wind was not really bad today which was great.

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I managed to come 2 in the category today which is great out of 12 riders. My time was 0:27:41.2. So it looks like I may get on the podium at the presentations on Saturday after the road race.

I will post more about this after the UCI World Cycling Tour 2011 - Perth Road Race on Saturday morning.


For further information on this event see UCI World Cycling Tour 2011 on BWA
If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin
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