Busselton Half Ironman 2008

Tuesday, May 06, 2008 at 11:32

TriathlonOz - David

Well it is now over and the event was massive. 964 individuals and 274 teams. Coupled with perfect weather and a great local area we had a blast. I did a great PB and have set myself a very hard task to follow up with in the series of events.

The Swim

Craig our swimmer recorded a 34:18 overall 145 and 53 in category. The swim was 1.9km. Craig transitioned to me and our transition time was 2:00 overall 30 and 11 in category.

The Cycle

David (myself) was the rider and recorded a 2:25:07 overall 20 and 10 in category. The ride was 90 kms. Here are the 30 km splits 47:47, 48:12, 48:56. I thought I went quicker at the end however there was a breeze for the last two laps so this may be why I felt I was riding a little harder. This was about 20 mins faster than I thought I was going to ride so I am very pleased with this result. I transitioned with Kingsley for the run, pity I could not find my bike rack and did not understand what Kinger was saying about give me the number (I told him our race number not giving him the belt with the number on it - dooh). Anyway we made the transition 1:36 overall 151 and 45 in category.

The Run

Kingsley our runner recorded his first long course race time of 1:58:03 and he was very happy to have performed under 2 hours. His time gained him a 160 overall and 65 in category.

So the wash up was 5:01:05 for 67 in the teams category. 32 in teams male.

We also had a few wonderful days enjoying the local area and good company. We are now looking forward to the full iron man event and the rest of the event calendar for the year.

PS: Come on Kinger the 42 km run is not that far...


If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin
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