Busselton Half Ironman 2009

Saturday, May 02, 2009 at 11:15

TriathlonOz - David

Well after two years of training, 3 months dedicated longer distance training and a lot of effort not only from me but the whole family it final arrived - the half ironman. Last year at this time I competed in a team for this event on the bike, this year I decided to give the whole lot a go.

The Course

For full details see: Course Information

Swim Course: 1.9km

It’s a one-lap swim in pristine waters alongside the historic Busselton Jetty.

Bike Course: 90.1km

Three-lap bike course. It is flat and fast and an opportunity to set your PB.

Run Course: 21.1km

A three-lap run course. Around and travel along the foreshore bike/walk path and Geographe Bay Rd.

My Results

Swim: 31:40
T1: 3:16
Bike: 2:35:05 (includes 5 min penality)
T2: 3:00
Run: 2:00:03

Finish Time: 05:13:05
Overall Pos: 436 / 1430
Gender Pos: 370 / 1047
Category Pos: 54 / 120

Summary & Thanks

Ok so the big question - will I do it again? Answer yes of course I did enjoy the whole thing (well maybe not the last lap of the run). So it appears I am now a litle addicted to triathalon and events in general, not to mention how good you feel with the weight loss and fitness. So move over Grant Kenny (ok he was around a few years ago but hey that will do) here I come.

So thanks to Al from Al's Cycle Surgery whom supplied and helped setup the new bike at the last minute. A big thanks also to the North Coast Tri Club for the training sessions, support and for the special sign board located on the run (a very nice gesture indeed), of course I will be renewing for next year and would recommened the club to anyone in the northern Perth suburbs. Lastly and most importantly thanks to Michelle for without her managing the house, kids, meals, photos and just about everthing else I would not be able to find the time for training and competing - thanks love.

The Photos

If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin
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