Mountain Designs Great Southern Adventure Race - This weekend

Tuesday, Sep 16, 2008 at 16:29

TriathlonOz - David

Well after several months of training both in Perth and during our Ningaloo Trip (our recent trip). I am sort of ready for the event this weekend. If you do not know what is involved you can read the details at Rapid Ascent Great Southern.

We have a team competing called Team ExplorOz, there is myself and three mates plus support crew. It is looking like a great event filled with blood, sweat and loads of tears.

On Friday lunch time we load up 4 bikes, 4 boats, 4 loads of clothes, 4 dudes (+ 2 support) into the vehicles and head down to Albany. We are spending the night at the Middleton Beach Big 4 in a spa suite (nice but we will not get to use it till Sunday night).

The course details are not published however we know that the basic run down is 12 stages, comprising of Running (42km + Orienteering), Mountain Bike (169km), Paddling (56km), Navigation & Orienteering and Rope Work. With the basic understanding that in each stage we have three people on the course and one is rested. So all in all it is a long way and a lot of work with the finish expected sometime between 3 & 6pm in Albany.

So if you are down in Albany over the weekend keep an eye out for us. There are 50 teams in the event so I guess you will not be able to miss us.

I will load an update of the event when I get back late on Monday have a great weekend.


If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin
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