There are many things you can do to manipulate the factors that contribute to your rejuvenation between each training session. Here's a quick sumary:
- Pre-workout - be well rested before your workout, well hydrated and always do an adequate warm up.
- During workout - refuelling during workouts speeds recovery
- Post-workout - replenish fuel stores within 30 minutes. This is considered to the magic time-window of when your body can most quickly absorb and assimilate nutrients leading to the best recovery. A combination of protein and carbohydrate is generally accepted to be the most effective. Packaged sports nutrition products, especially protein shakes are the most convenient way of ensuring you achieve this, however real-food options are always the preferred choice if possible. See our article Good & Bad Foods Explained for more information.
- Long term recovery - sleep is when the body releases HGH (Human Growth Hormone), the essential hormone that stimulates growth, cell production and regeneration. HGH will also promote the use of fat as fuel. Whilst this hormone release occurs somewhat spasmodically during our sleep periods, it is generally known to best release into our systems about an hour after the onset of sleep. For this reason, daytime naps can be very powerful indeed for assisting post-workout recovery. However, 7-9 hours sleep per night is also required.
Because we need to put our bodies into a stage of overload to stimulate the training adaption, it is often confusing for athletes to read the signs of overtraining. Using a training diary, following a training program towards specific
events, and building a personal calendar for the year using the concept of periodization will help you enormously in avoiding the temptation to keep pushing when you're feeling strong, when in fact you should be taking it easy.
The most common treatment for muscle soreness - is to apply the R.I.C.E treatment plan, which is R - rest. I - ice. C - compression. E - elevated. Fill your fridge/freezer with cold packs and apply immediately to sore knees, hips, calves, etc after a workout. Elevate the affected limb on a table, footstool or chair, and apply the cold pack wrapped in a teatowel to the site of pain as you watch television or work at your desk for example. Compression socks can help reduce swelling of the ankles and feet, and help blood flow through painful calves, achilles etc so are great to wear to bed, or during to stimulate post-workout recovery.
Overtaining is a very common occurance in performance oriented individuals, and is also commonly seen in novices who have experienced a rapid performance improvement. The main cause of overtaining is not taking sufficient rest. This is typically seen when people ignore the "easy week" in the program and decide to train on without rest days when they feel good.
By the time you are feeling lethargic, depressed, lack concentration, have decreased libido, sugar cravings, constant fatigue, increased thirst, muscle soreness, swollen glands, diarrhea, infection, injury, slow wound healing you've definately reached a point of overtraining. These are major warning signs that you need to slow down.
But overtaining can still occur when you do follow your program and include rest days. This is because most of use don't have programs designed for us individually, nor do we have regular lab testing to set our benchmarks and measure progress.
Whatever program you are following, it is important that you trust your instincts (not the voices in your head) regarding fatigue. Is your body telling you not to head out today? And is it your ego telling you to toughen up princess? Listen to the whipsers your body sends before they turn into screams and you'll avoid the trappings of overtraining. A self-aware athlete will know how and when to flick the switch on modifying the day's session and when to avoid training altogether. Here's some tips:
- Illness - is it below the neck? If so, don't train today.
- Feeling blah? If you don't have a chest infection but just don't feel right its best to try to stick to the routine, and get yourself ready for your workout. Just tell yourself that you will reassess 5 minutes into the session - sometimes once we've met up with our training partners, or have got the blood pumping, everything else falls into place. But if it doesn't and you feel worse, call it a day and go home.
Balancing the recovery process has a great impact on your mind and body. It helps you gain a higher level of fitness and keeps you in optimum shape throughout the year.