I've made an effort to have my favourite healthy breakfast twice this week and thought I'd share it with you...
Egg White Omelete with Spinanch & Mushrooms
I buy "Cutting Edge, Golden Eggs" brand of egg whites that are in a blue bag in the freezer section of the supermarket (Coles). You have to let the bag defrost slowly in the fridge - it has a cap so you pour out what you need and store the rest. Holds equivalent of 19 egg whites. Works out much cheaper (and easier) than buying fresh eggs and discarding the yolks. The reason I make the omeletes with egg whites only is the white part has all the protein, no fat or cholesterol.
Firstly, to make the omelete I use a non-stick pan and use a little spray oil (coconut oil or rice bran oil) and saute up a few yummy vegies - my favourite combination is mushrooms, shallots and baby spinanch. But you can add tomatoes, zuchinni etc too. If you aren't worried about extra fat you can a bit of ham.
I then put that aside, respray the pan and pour in the egg whites. I let it start to set a little before adding the cooked vegies on top in the centre. You can even add a bit of cheese (I add a few flakes of grated lite mozarella as its the lightest fat content - about 15% fat), the egg whites are more bland in taste than a full fresh egg, so a bit of cheese makes it a bit more tasty but you don't need much.
I flip one side of the omelete over in half and then when its done I have this huge yummy healthy breakfast that makes me feel so great! Anytime I want to shift a few kilos I find this breakfast makes all the difference. Followed by a salad for lunch with a bit of lean protein (like tuna, or chicken) and a stir-fry or steak and salad for dinner - its the best diet I've found for balancing my need for energy and managing the weight. (provided I don't blow the day with a wine or chocolate LOL!).
Frozen Egg Whites