During exercise, an athlete with move through the following metabolic pathways to produce ATP.
This energy system is called anaerobic (doesn't rely on oxygen) and is used almost exclusively by the body in the first few seconds of exercise. Initially, this energy system uses ATP stores from muscles, and then uses creatine phosphate (CP) to produce additional ATP until CP is depleted. All this occurs in the first 10 seconds or so of exercise. To continue activity the body will call upon another energy system to produce ATP.
This is the energy system that you may be more familiar with as this is the one that utilises glucose (supplied by food and stored as glycogen in the muscles or liver). There is both fast glycolysis (which produces lactic acid) and slow glycolysis (produces pyruvic acid, which leads to the Krebs cycle in the Oxidative System).
Fast glycolysis is an anaerobic stage of metabolism and produces energy for short, high-intensity burts of activity. Our bodies have a lactate threshold at which point we endure fatigue and muscle pain. After approximately 45 seconds of continuous activity, the body will switch its energy demands to the Oxidative System.
Oxidative System
This energy system is complex and includes a series of chemical reactions that continue the oxidation of glucose to produce additional ATPs. It is therefore an aerobic state of metabolism. However, this system enables the body to metabolise fat (Lipolysis) as
well as carbohydrate to produce ATP and is the ideal energy system for long duration activity.
However, if fat is metabolised in this stage, it will produce significantly more ATPs than if carbohydrate is the source however more oxygen is required to do so. This means that to use fat for fuelling your body's energy needs you will put a greater demand on your cardiovascular system. If you are unable to supply your cells with sufficient oxygen quickly enough, your body will revert back to using carbohydrate stores (from your liver and muscles) and if you deplete that (such as in endurance
events) your body will switch back to utilising fat but because you cannot keep up the demand for oxygen to metabolise the fat, your exercise intensity will drop off.
So, this means that ingesting quick release carbohydrates during exercise is of benefit when intensity is high and prolonged to avoid a performance drop off. For high intensity performance, you should ensure that muscles are not depleted and a diet high in proteins will ensure minimum damage and maximum repair occurs.
In order for your body to burn fat for energy supply, lower intensity exercise demands are required, however as the body has adequate stores of fats (unlike carbohydrates), you can sustain activity for prolonged periods. If your body fat is low however, your body will not be able to rely on fat as a fuel and your demands for carbohydrate refueling during exercise will be critical to avoid fatigue.