Comment: Aiming for 70.3 Busselton

Oh Sue, it's got knobs on it for sure! I liked how you ended off your story with your reason why... as non-triathlete friends/family always hear talk of our hurdles and that's all they say don't they .... "Why do it then?" I get it - we all get it... so best of luck to you. May this hurdle be your motivation to get you through to achieve your goal. I love that Busso course - and know its going to be very tough to get through that run but like you, I will do it on race day, even if I can't get the right training volume in before hand, it can be done on the day through the swell of the crowd cheerings, your own inner motivation, and if if you do need to pull out - you'll do it knowing you've given it YOUR best shot, and that's all that matters. Best of luck to you Sue. xxx
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