Broken bones and blood - today's bike spill
Submitted: Tuesday, Nov 01, 2011 at 14:48
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TriathlonOz - Michelle
5km into our club ride this morning (North Coast), we had a 3 bike pile-up. No cars involved and not 100% sure what caused it, but I saw the bikes in the air, bodies on the ground and one rode over the other. Ouch! Unfortunately, one has a broken elbow and kneee and is now out of IM WA (so sad). The other had lots of cuts and bruises and blood down his right side and has just found out he has possible fracture ribs.
The interesting thing is how we all react to help in these situations. Coming up behind the boys falling, my first thought was to
check for traffic. We were lucky, the lanes were clear and they actually fell left into the wide verge (so lucky). I tended to one of the riders as I know him fairly
well. He had very rapid, shallow breathing and was on his back. His pupils were very small and clearly he was suffering shock. With some reassuring words however, and instructions to "breathe deeply, slow down, its all ok" and to tell them where everything is and that they are ok, that their bike is ok, and the other person is ok. Then it was assess the damage, ring for reinforcements etc.
I had my phone but no tissues or gloves for the blood - mental note to self that I should carry these basics.
Take care out there everyone. Train hard but stay safe xx