Review: Going Long

Submitted: Tuesday, Nov 29, 2011 at 15:55
ThreadID: 90360 Views:2961 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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My Shop Item Rating: My Rating 5/5

I decided to read this for the purpose of a book review as I am not doing an IM anytime soon. I have read a few books by Jo Friel now and I really enjoy his style and this is no exception.I enjoy reading all that I can about training and finding tips to improve, but I tend to fall asleep easily when it gets too heavy, repetitive or fluffy. Not so with this book. It's a sensible read, but is neither too simplistic to suit only first timers, nor too advanced/technical to suit seasoned Ironmen. It's full of useful stuff, so I'm surprised they didn't call it the "Ironman Bible", since Joe already has written a serious of "Triathlon Training Bible" titles. It's important to understand that this book isn't a rigid program (but programs are included) so it wouldn't matter if the person was already on a program, as it helps explain some of the critical physiological adaptive processes that the body goes through when training and would help someone maintain a sense of reason, and gain renewed trust in their program if reading this book alongside or during their IM training. A 5 star from me, but I'm still not convinced I'm up for this distance.
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