Here's a session of Deep Water Running. Suspended in water, this is a non-weight bearing form of resistance training that is a good cross-training workout for runners.
DWR has proven effective in enabling athletes with injuries to continue training, and even pros such as Kate Bevilaqua have trained for IM
events successfully through using DWR sessions in place of solid ground running sessions. However it is equally useful for healthy runners as it can enhance your speed and provide a whole body workout which will increase range of motion and strengthen postural muscles.
For this workout you require a foam belt to wear around your waist to aid in bouyancy. It is also a lot more fun with a friend and even music if you wish!
Start session in the deep end of
the pool.
Deep Water Running techniques vary but the easiest to pick up is to lean forward slightly and allow your body to move forward as you simulate the running action. Use your arms underwater as if you were running, not sculling. It helps to use a scissor-chop vertical hand posiiton.
Like all workouts, start with a 5-10 minute warm up. If you're a first timer, just use this time to adapt to the new running environment! There is no need to get too fussed over correct form if you are using DWR for rehabilitation, or not totally substituting all your run sessions. In this case, just run by feel. The extra resistance of the water will reduce your normal cadence so it isn't possible to precisely simulate your normal land-based run form anyway.
After the warm up - its time for some intervals.
Try to run on
the spot using a straight back posture and kicking up your heels as if doing butt kicks (this is difficult in water!). Use
the pool clock for 4 interval cycles of 1 minute on, 15 seconds rest. Repeat x 4.
Next, its the main set.
Change your posture so that you are leaning slightly forward. Attempt to simulate land-running thinking of your backleg push off and you'll begin to move forward down
the pool lane. Chances are if you're injured you might need to work on engaging your glutes too - so grab a hold of one and
check that it is firm and keep some tension in your glute throughout this set. Keep to one side of the lane as if you were swimming. If you begin to touch the bottom turn around and head back up to the deep end and continue running laps for 30 minutes.
Do another interval set of 4x 1minute on/15 secs off to finish.