WA Tri Series Race 2 : Championship Lakes

Saturday, Jan 15, 2011 at 11:57

TriathlonOz - David

Race two of the WA Trievents series is the Championship Lakes Triathlon. This is a sprint distance event and Michelle and I both competed. Our 10yr old daughter Leah also competed in the "Tadpoles" event, which is a non-competetive event with no timing and shorter distances but they swim 100m, cycle 3km, and run 500m. This event started ahead of the adults race so parents could help the kids and cheer them on.

David's Race:

Swim 00:15:0
Cycle 00:36:03
Run 00:21:35
Overall: 01:12:50 - 10 in Category and 62 Overall
If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin
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