Hillarys Triathlon 2011 #2

Sunday, Apr 10, 2011 at 11:00

TriathlonOz - David

Today was the second of our local races at Hillarys. It was a clear but very windy day. With a gusty north easterly blowing, it made the bike ride very "interesting" ... and for me today ... a little slower than I was hoping. I ran the 1080/808 wheel combination but I wish I had left the 303's on, however they have been fitted to my road bike (for next weekend's UCI World Cycling Tour - Road Bike race in Kings Park).

As Autumn has hit, the temps have dropped and Perth is a funny place... we seem to drop out of Summer suddendly in just one day. This week it was mid 30's and now it's the weekend and it is just mid 20's! So the temp was good - just the howling wind to complain about!

We headed down early and arrived at 5:50AM to get Leah (daughter) ready for the Tadpoles race (these are a TRYStars level races run by Trievents). She loves doing them, and Trievents staff do a great job running them. They even seem to have the timing right so that parents can get the kids through the event and organised before we head off to do our own races. Today's Tadpoles was promoted as a capacity crowd with over 80 kids competing, but I think the morning conditions kept quite a few in bed. So, well done to Trievents for the whole Tadpoles series this year - I am sure it will continue for many years to come. I think its great to see the kids involved in the sport and makes them a part of the whole buzz of race day.

Today, the male 40-44 age group was the second last wave to start in white caps. They must be hearing my complaints about last wave and pink caps. LOL) because this time we started at 8:50. Yes! Nearly 3 hours after arriving at the event! Arrgh!

Course Details

Today I was a little slower on every leg - the wind did have some bearing on this across the field, as I did place higher across the board though I was not happy with my bike time. The bike time includes the two transitions and I actually think I lost some time in both of these as I had a small issue getting my wetsuit off and also I had to put my runners on twice. I also lost about 40 seconds on the bike course when my chain dropped off the front chain rings. I was able to get it back on after about 20 seconds but then was too afraid the change gears going up the hill, so went up in a tall gear ... that was not the best idea. I also guess I am slowing my legs down a little in preparation for the 70.3 in Busselton in 4 weeks but really this only effects the run time. Anyway, still coming 65/656 is not a bad effort for a middle age bugger who has only done this for a couple of years.


Swim 14:30
Cycle 37:31
Run 21:15

Total 1:13:18
Overall 65/656 - Gender 57/416 - Category 9/59
If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin
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