Blackwood Marathon Team Relay (Bridgetown)

Monday, Oct 31, 2011 at 18:36

TriathlonOz - Michelle

Yesterday was the 33rd Blackwood Marathon Team Relay. I have no idea why it's called a marathon, its an adventure race really, with a 12k run, 8k river paddle, break for lunch for all competitors and spectators to come together, then 1k river swim, optional 20k equestrian cross-country, and 20k road cycle to the finish line on the Bridgetown trotting track.

Kate ran and swam, I paddled and cycled. We didn't win anything, we just had fun but Kate was the 2nd woman to cross the finish line in the run. Hopefully David will put up his own blog as he also raced in a team and they did very very well.

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