My First "Run for a Reason"

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 11:34

TriathlonOz - Michelle

Last Sunday I did the 14km run in the annual HBF Run for a Reason.
I've been seeing another physio since doing the Half (now 3 weeks ago) to get a second opinion on the ongoing knee pains I get when running and had been told last week that I had:

*nerve entrapment in my superior tibiafibular joint of my left knee
*hamstring tendonitis of my leg leg
*pronation problems in my left leg (even though I use orthotics)

Anyway, I lined up at the start (about 200m back in the crowd) with my lovely friend Sue, and gave it a shot. With 20,000 people in the total event (14km run + 4km run/walk), it was little wonder that it took us 4 mins just to cross the start line! But once we got going, we actually found ourselves moving along quite comfortably. A few people around us took a tumble but we just plodded along at a nice pace enjoying the moment.

It was one of those really special lovely Perth Autumn mornings - clear skies, mild temperature and no wind. The 14 km course started outside the WACA and headed down to Riverside Drive where we then ran up the Mitchell Freeway (closed lanes of course) and then turned into the Graham Farmer freeway where we ran through the tunnel. Running through this tunnel was the whole reason I wanted to do the event, as I first went through pushing Leah in a pram when it opened in 2000. Coming out of the tunnel, we then ran over the Windan Bridge and then turned at Victoria Park Drive to return back down the freeway where we then ran along the edge of the Swan River alongside the Burswood Golf Course, past the marathon club, and then over the Causeway and into the grounds of the WACA for a finish line on the grass of the WACA !

There was music and entertainment all along the way, water stations and the usual crowd support, helicopters etc. Loads of fun etc but quite a struggle running 14 km nursing a very painful knee.

Whilst my results were nothing to write about, my time was 1:26:23 according to my Garmin or 1:27:44 according to the official timing results. My gender position was 2,198 out of 6,205. Overall position was 5,310 out of 11,012.

If you're interested to do it next year, the date is 26th May, 2013.
Here's some photos.

Some wish for it, others work for it!
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