WA Triseries Race 4 - Hillarys #1

Sunday, Feb 20, 2011 at 14:45

TriathlonOz - Michelle

Have just got home after the race and feel pretty good about it all actually!
This is the first race this season that I can look back at results from last year. I am thrilled to see an improvement of 16 minutes!!!!

Last year I placed 11th in my age group (out of 12) and today I got 6th place in my age group (out of 19) so I am well impressed. I actually but thought it was 5th according to the computer at the end of the race so don't know what happened there but not complaining!!!

I am definately making improvements on the swim and the run but I know my ride wasn't too good on the first lap.

Overall time: 1:23:28
Age Group Placing: 6th
Swim: 14mins 42 (5th place)
Cycle: 42 mins 06 (7th place)
Run: 26 mins 39 (15th place)

I am thrilled to see my run time - even though its a terrible placing, that is a PB for me and means 5.13min/km. The improvement is certainly due to the interval sessions I do on Thursdays with North Coast tri club where I work on 4:30min/km. So... the speed work will continue even though I have to work on volume now that its only 8 weeks to the 70.3 in Busselton.
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