If you’ve been bitten by the runners bug, then irrespective of external conditions, you’ll find the time and the motivation to get your feet moving! However, you should try to plan your run
well in advance, so you’re not caught unawares. It is best to avoid running when it’s extremely hot or humid, as this puts extra pressure on your cardiovascular system and will result in an elevated heart rate and can even cause cramps, heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Try to choose early morning or late evening for your run when the sun’s heat won’t wear you down.
Of course other factors will play a part in when is best for you to run. Never setoff for a run feeling thirsty, as this indicates you are already partly dehydrated. Surprisingly, most people are most dehydrated first thing in the morning immediately after waking. As this is also one of the best times for most people to run, it is a good idea to have a water bottle beside your bed and to sip water throughout the night to avoid morning dehydration.
Another factor to consider is how recently you've eaten. Commonsense says not to run on a full belly, but depending on your
training intensity and distance, you can impair your performance by running on empty. In this case, consider quick release energy sources such as a banana, a few nuts, or a few pieces of dried fruit such as dates, prunes or figs. If you have a little more time, then a breakfast of porridge is usually
well tolerated before running, but ideally give yourself 30 minutes to digest this and keep your portions small. Alternatively, many people prefer the use of specially formulated sports bars with high carbohydrate content. These are designed to cause minimal digestive upsets and are easily and quickly absorbed by the body to provide necessary fuel for exercise, hence their popularity by competitive athletes of all disciplines. TriathlonOz.com stocks an excellent range of quality sports bars and electrolyte fluids in our online
shop. Our prices should match or even better retail prices elsewhere and if you are a Member, you'll also get a 5% discount off the listed price. We've listed these at the bottom of this paragraph for your convenience.
In terms of running frequency, there is nothing wrong with running daily if you work up to it gradually and aren't doing long distances, however it is advisable to give your body 1 day per week rest. Without this, you increase chances of injury and fatigue but you also are robbing your body of important time to repair. For more tips on how the body repairs itself, refer to our article Rest and Recovery, located in the Training topic of our Tips&Techniques section.