Heart rates within specific ranges help athletes achieve specific goals. It is important to understand the benefits of each heart rate training zone. A simple calculation is used for determining maximum heart rate (HRmax) based on a person's age. Simply subtract your age from 220, and this figure is said to be your maximum heart rate in bpm (beats per minute). Knowing this figure is important for many reasons.
The Energy Efficient Fat Burning Zone 55% to 65% HRmax
Runners who want to lose weight can raise the heart rate between 55 to 65 percent to burn fat and achieve weight loss. Training in this zone helps the body feed the working muscles efficiently. Slow running can help you achieve this heart rate. It also allows the muscles to re-energise after a fast paced workout.
The Aerobic Zone 65% to 75% HRmax
To build aerobic fitness and run over long distances you can train at 65 – 75 percent of your maximum heart rate and improve your cardiovascular system. It improves the body’s ability to transport oxygen to the muscles and carbon dioxide away, making the muscles work to their optimal level. Training in this zone helps develop muscular strength, burn fat and improve your VO2max as
The Anaerobic Zone 75% to 95% HRmax
Training in this zone brings you to the anaerobic threshold, where the body uses glycogen stored in the muscles instead of fat. Runners that train at 75 – 95% of their maximum heart rate can develop their ability to maintain high intensity pace over a long time and achieve a high VO2max.
The Peak Zone - 95% to 100% HRmax
Training at 100 percent maximum heart rate develops the anaerobic system further, which is useful when you need maximum power in the final sprint to the finish. You can train for short periods in this zone that will help you develop speed as
well. However, remember that this zone is only for those who are very fit.