Comment: Australia's Top Triathletes

I'm very inspired by some of the great performances of the pros but can someone tell me when Australia is going to properly credit our triathletes? It seems unfair that so many incredible Australian triathletes get overlooked in the race reports simply because we only ever look at triathlon from a global perspective! What about having some races restricted to Australians-only?. Don't we want to see an Australian-only field to see who stacks up as the best? Wouldn't that be surprising! Australia has plenty of great triathlon performances but not all get their names in the media because they miss the podium or top 5. Sometimes placing in the top 20 means a "second-best" Australian performance, but this is rarely gets a mention. Having our own races would solve this. Is it just me that wonders this?
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Reply By: TriathlonOz - David - Monday, Sep 17, 2012 at 17:46

Monday, Sep 17, 2012 at 17:46
I reckon the media is to blmae how about the Olympic ateletes and the coverage about how poor they all were becuase we did not get heaps of Gold. I was ashamed by some of the TV experts and media commentators during the recent olympics.

I was upset we did not get many gold but that is top level racing and just being able to complete at the level should be enough.

I am not sure about Australian only events but wonder if there could be a results list based on countries. This would sovle the problem I think. One of the things missing from results is this type of info, traninig conditions and things vary from country to country so I for one would be happy to see a country field added to our event results.

If it's not hurting your not tri'ing!
David Martin

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AnswerID: 495100

Reply By: TriathlonOz - Michelle - Monday, Sep 17, 2012 at 18:38

Monday, Sep 17, 2012 at 18:38
David there is actually a country field already shown in all official results list that I've seen, but I agree that it would be good to more easily sort results by country and definaly I would be in favour of seeing some credit (as Triantix suggests) to promotion of say, the top 10 Australian results when the Australian media does a race report. I have not yet seen any reports like that myself.

I guess the reason for no "Australian-only" races is money. Then there's the qualification for the World Champs (or Olympic selection, or series points etc). It's just the way the sport has developed. I guess they travel to the countries where the races will give them the best chance of qualification or points and factors such as climate, timing, course etc will be different for some individuals.
Some wish for it, others work for it!

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AnswerID: 495107

Reply By: Auth U - Tuesday, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:41

Tuesday, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:41
reply post test
AnswerID: 495152