2010 Interclub Triathlon - Mandurah WA

Sunday, Dec 12, 2010 at 01:00

TriathlonOz - Michelle

As a member of NorthCoast tri club, we were all encouraged to head down to Mandurah for the interclub race to try to win back the trophy. Rather than our individual results being recorded, we earned 1 point for our club by finishing and double points were earned by females. David stayed with the kids and did the dreaded whole day stage rehearsals for the ballet concert! I would take over in the evening and do the 7pm - midnight roster!

It was a great day and to be honest, I really enjoyed getting myself there, and doing the race without the distractions of my family (I do love you all, honestly but it was a nice for a change :-).

The swim was cold (wetsuit swim) so why is my wetsuit wrapped in christmas paper under the tree??? ummm.... but maybe it gave me an advantage. The swim training with TopFin must be payingoff too - as I felt much stronger coming out of the water and didn't feel too bad sprinting to the bike transition. The bike course was not as flat as I'd hoped and I found the undulations a bit challenging for a sprint but I used the race as an opportunity to try new things in preparation for the start of the season - a season I had hopes of showing improvement over last year.

My run was marginal I guess. I wouldn't like a better time, but "there's those who wish, and those who work for it", so I'll just have to focus more effort in my training on pace I feel.

We didn't win the trophy but I did get a great spot prize - $80 worth of Shotz sports nutrition.
Drove back home feeling pretty good and somehow managed to deal with the ballet dress rehearsals. Just 2 more late nights of ballet concerts now to get through and then its time to think about Christmas.

Another race next week - Rockingham.
Some wish for it, others work for it!
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