WA TriSeries Race 1 : City Of Rockingham

Sunday, Dec 19, 2010 at 13:00

TriathlonOz - Michelle

This morning's preparation for the race was a little unusual. We had a car load of 6, with my parents over visiting for Xmas from Sydney and both kids in tow. We hadn't realised there was a Tadpoles race that Leah could have done but will look at this for next time as it seemed to fit in well and she is gaining interest.

The weather was surprisingly cold and a bit blustery. I had forgotten my race belt but thank god for that wonderful Kim Tyler-Lees from NorthCoast triclub who is a regular voice at registration calling "Race Belts - $15". A wonderful service by the club for dills like me that forget!

Despite the swim being the site of a fatal shark attack last year, it was a good spot for a triathlon. Nice clear water, bit cold today and wetsuits were allowed (why is mine wrapped in xmas paper under the tree???) and a short run out of the water to limestone steps down to the transition area (bit scary running down steps but I made it). The transition to bike was good and I felt strong on the bike, but didn't really like all the cornering around the roundabouts and the mass of riders on the road at once. I made an attempt to dismount in bare feet but don't think it saved me much time - especially because I turned the wrong direction and tried to run out to the road instead of the path for the run leg!!! Oh dear, everyone was yelling and point at me to turn arond 180 degress so I was in a muddle. But how's my luck, Courtney Ogen, winner of the men's WA Ironman triathlon was there cheering with some advice, and cheers of support to get me going. A nice guy, and a bit of a spunk, that helps!

But oh my god, that run felt like the hardest thing I've ever done. I couldn't do it - I couldn't RUN so it was a survival plod and a very poor finish time. Oh well, gotta come back next time to try to make an improvement.

I was very surprised to find my results put me 1 second slower than 10th position.

My Results

Swim: 00:16:23 Cycle: 00:36:51 Run: 00:28:59 Overall: 01:22:13

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